
Oswald Perktold

The bikini-priest
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
date of recording:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicole D´Incecco
In my childhood, so was Rosanna a beautiful meandering stream and even flow. With overflows. Since then, the tributaries have gschlängelt through the meadow. Alder trees. The summer cows were in there. The children and the summer and the cows - and the mosquitoes and the brakes. A united people of brothers and sisters. And there were always the pool and it was lower. And since then we have glernt swimming. Of course that was cold, maybe 12, 13 degrees. And the pastor has a little bench hoop conveniently located and has watched the thing again. And I can remember. My sister was incredibly embarrassing. Did he - she? is it to the knitting school? yes there were girls - it has no boys? not boys, Handicrafts given, but "knit school for the girls." And since this Zenza manner, the mother of Andrea, who has? which was designed pedagogical nit, but she can manage better and that was the Strickschual teacher. And after the Strickschual is also my sister came to this Au and had no Badehose.Ja, the pastor is like a way out. and the first bikini of Austria has developed, probably has two large handkerchiefs pulled from his robe, Olga has been naked in front of him and has her bikini tied to his body. And she's so ashamed, she has complained then. But just imagine, my sister Olga said to my mom, "Mom, I do not like to go with the priest in the forest". I mean, today: sirens - the mom, "No, no, what the pastor says that you have to do it."